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IDPA New Competitor Orientation Course

  • 13 Apr 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • 14 Apr 2024
  • 5:00 PM
  • Range 7

If you're not already holster certified with a shooting sport or law enforcement agency, you have to take our new shooter course before you can compete in IDPA matches.  To take this training, you'll need to be capable of firing a 10 shot group into an 8' circle at 10m and have a handgun (minimum caliber .38/9x19mm), at least 3 magazines, suitable belt holster, two magazine pouches, a sturdy belt and about 300 rounds.  Given the price of ammo these days, we'll try to avoid needless repetition of the various shooting drills once you've demonstrated safe execution of the various skills. 

If you're looking to buy a holster and/or magazine pouches for IDPA, you may want to check out one of our local match sponsors at: Gray Fox Strategic - Canadian-made Kydex Solutions – Gray Fox Strategic Inc and for the excellent Kore gun belts another sponsor is a dealer for them: Tactical Supplies Canada – tacticalsupplies.ca

We use Practiscore for registration in our matches and training courses, so you'll need to create a free account on that site. 

To be able to get through all of the shooting components in one day, we're going to run an online review of the course's written exam on Zoom a few days before.  We'll have Zoom sessions available Wednesday and Thursday evenings starting at 7PM.  You can find the IDPA rules at: IDPA Match Rules – International Defensive Pistol Association

For more information contact idpa@eosc.ca

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